There will be a moment that requires you to create a personal resume. It is usually written whenever you decide to apply for a job. Generally, there are also two types of resume format. The first one will be the chronological resume and the second will be the functional resume. Most of resumes are written … Read More
All posts in OpenOffice Writer Templates
These are Bill of Sale templates you can use as references or templates to secure your transaction. What is Bill of Sale meaning? It is interpreted as a legal document which is beneficial to clearly state what the buyer and seller get from certain transaction. It is the seller who has the obligation to create … Read More
These are New Year’s Resolution Templates you can use with Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Open Office Calc, Open Office Writer as well as Libre Office suite. What is New Year’s Resolution? It is a list of people’s goals where they want to achieve it in the following year. Usually, they write it in a piece … Read More