If you own farm business but you are not familiar with accounting to record your financial transactions, then you can use this farm business bookkeeping spreadsheet template. It is designed specifically for non accountant. You can find its transaction modules have similarities with your sales and cash book.
Record your transactions regularly. Or, you can use this spreadsheet template as a summary spreadsheet to map your transaction into financial statements.
What kind of financial statements that I will get?
You will get profit and loss report, balance sheet statement, cash flow and equity reports with standard accounting format.
Do I have to set something in the report?
No. It will summarize your financial transactions automatically.
Here are things you have to do on this animal farm business bookkeeping spreadsheet template

- Set starting of the spreadsheet to any dates. Financial statements will use this date as starting date of its fiscal period. Full fiscal period is one year from its starting date
- Modify default reporting category names inside financial report format. Leave it if you feel you can use those category names.
- Start recording your routine transactions. Or, you can copy and paste transaction summary into this spreadsheet
- Monitor, track and analyze reports. Dashboard is included. You can use it to see it at a glance.

Here are all the samples. Those are sharing similar livestock farming business bookkeeping spreadsheet. These spreadsheets will suit you who run these farming to produce meats.
Chicken Broiler Farming Bookkeeping Template

Chicken meat is the most popular meat around the world. Remember KFC? A broiler is any chicken that is bred and raised specifically for meat production. If you are running this type of business, most commercial broilers reach slaughter weight between four and seven weeks of age.
Typical broilers have white feathers and yellowish skin. Broiler or sometimes broiler-fryer is also used sometimes to refer specifically to younger chickens under 4.5 pounds, as compared with the larger roasters.
This spreadsheet could help you managing your daily routine operating activities. If you have some difficulties on knowing your actual profit, then you can see its financial statement to read it.
Sheep and Goat Farming Bookkeeping Template

Sheep or Goat farming is the raising and breeding of domestic sheep and goats. It is a branch of animal husbandry. They are raised principally for their meat, milk, fiber and skin. This bookkeeping will help you on recording your daily routine transaction. With this spreadsheet you can monitor and analyze your business by seeing its reports.
Duck Farming Bookkeeping Template

Ducks have been farmed for thousands of years. They are popular in Asian countries. But, in the Western world, they are not as popular as the chicken, because chickens have much more white lean meat and are easier to keep confined, making the total price much lower for chicken meat, whereas duck is comparatively expensive.
Beef Cattle Farming Bookkeeping Template

Beef cattle are cattle raised for meat production (as distinguished from dairy cattle, used for milk production). The meat of mature or almost mature cattle is mostly known as beef. There are several steps before they are processed as meat.
Farmers can produce many types of meats. They can have different prices. In this spreadsheet you can put those meats into different categories.
Here is the Demo version that you can try.